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DAR Library Director Eric Grundset Receives NGS 2006 Filby Award for Genealogical Librarianship

DAR Library Director Eric Grundset Receives the National Genealogical Society 2006 Filby Award for Genealogical Librarianship

WASHINGTON, DC -- The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is proud to announce that the prestigious 2006 Filby Award for Genealogical Librarianship was presented to Eric Grundset, MLS, Library Director, DAR Library. Eric joined the staff of NSDAR as Library Director in 1983 and has worked to make the library more user friendly and the patron experience an enjoyable and profitable one. His efforts to expand and improve the collection at the DAR Library have helped make it one of the premier family history research institutions in the East and enabled numerous family history researchers to expand their family history.

Eric has served as a former board member and vice president of the National Genealogical Society, as well as a board member and president of the
Virginia Genealogical Society, and as program chair of the 1990 and 1993 National Genealogical Society’s Conference in the States. An avid genealogist, he has published eleven books including Research in Virginia for the National Genealogical Society, African American and American Indian Patriots of the Revolutionary War (2001) and with Steven B. Rhodes Genealogical Research at the DAR, Washington, D.C., 2nd edition (2004).

In Fall 2005, Eric Grundset organized the successful "Conference on Early American Genealogical Research," an extensive two-day program at DAR Headquarters, concentrating on American genealogical research topics spanning the Colonial period through the pre-Civil War era. This year's conference will take place October 27-28, 2006 at DAR Headquarters. Specialists from the DAR and the National Archives along with independent genealogical lecturers and researches will speak on topics such as revolutionary war sources, writing your family history, and using technology to access genealogical sources. For a complete list of speakers and events or information on how to register, see the Event and Registration Form on the Genealogical Conference Web page.

The DAR Library is one of the largest genealogical research centers in the United States. Since its founding in 1896, the library has grown into a specialized collection of American genealogical and historical manuscripts and publications and recently added powerful on-site ancestry databases to its collection. The DAR Library collection contains over 180,000 books, 300,000 research files, thousands of manuscript items, and special collections on Native American, African American and women’s history, genealogy and culture. Nearly 30,000 family histories and genealogies comprise a major portion of the book collection, many of which are unique or available in only a few libraries in the country. The DAR Library, located at 1776 D St. NW, is open to the public for a $6 research fee Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The DAR Library is closed Sundays, Federal holidays, and for one week during the DAR annual meeting during the summer. For more information on the DAR Library, visit or call (202) 879-3229.