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News Release

DAR Web Site Recognized by Family Tree Magazine

DAR Honored for "Best" Online Genealogy Web Site

Washington, D.C. - For the second year in a row, the DAR Web Site ( has been included in the Family Tree Magazine’s 101 Best Web Sites. Once a year the genealogy publication and Web site, Family Tree Magazine, complies a list of useful online roots resources in order to direct people to the best family history Web sites that they believe make online genealogy searches easier, faster and more productive.

Much of the honor is credited towards the site’s DAR Patriot Lookup Service. The DAR Web Site offers this free lookup service of the DAR Patriot Index of Revolutionary War soldiers and others who served the cause of liberty. Users fill out a simple online request with an ancestor’s name and they receive an email answer as to whether the name appears in the DAR Patriot Index. Since its inception in 2001, the DAR Patriot Lookup Service has been widely recognized by numerous genealogy Web sites and several major genealogical publications for its service to the genealogy community. For the 2003 101 Best Web Sites, Family Tree Magazine recognized the DAR Web Site with a Hall of Fame designation for appearing on the list at least three times.

In addition to the DAR Patriot Lookup Service, The DAR Web Site features information on the 113-year old women’s lineage and service organization including the work of the society, how to become a member, and educational opportunities provided by the DAR. The site also describes the DAR National Headquarters, located in downtown Washington, D.C. The National Historic Landmark building houses one of the nation’s premier genealogical libraries, one of the foremost collections of pre-industrial American decorative arts, Washington’s largest concert hall, and an extensive collection of early American manuscripts and imprints.

To access the free GRC, click here. For more information on Family Tree Magazine’s 101 Best Family History Web Sites, visit