These pathfinders include bibliographic references for sources in the DAR Library Collections that are specifically related to a particular subject or area of research.  These pathfinders will be helpful as you begin your research efforts in one of these a specific areas.  

African American Genealogical Research at the DAR Library

The past twenty years has seen an explosion of publishing in African American studies including works on African American genealogical research.  The DAR Library has developed a strong and growing collection of basic and detailed printed sources on this subject.  In the Library’s General/African American section, library patrons will find research manuals and guidebooks, histories on slavery and abolition, the “Great Migration” of the early twentieth century, general reference materials, and scholarly and popular journals, including the Journal of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society. 

Suffragist Research at the DAR Library

Given that the DAR members have historically been very interested in the issues of suffrage and women’s rights, the DAR Library has a large number of works on the subject. The document linked above includes only a few highlights of the collection.

Scottish Research at the DAR Library

Did your ancestors hail from Caledonia’s rugged peaks and valleys? DAR Library has a wide variety of resources for tracing your Scots ancestors on either side of the Atlantic.

Loyalist Research at the DAR Library

Did some of your ancestors side with the British in the Revolutionary War? DAR Library offers an extensive collection of resources for following your Loyalist ancestors, whether they stayed in the United States, or scattered around the world.

Immigration and Naturalization Research at the DAR Library

Did your ancestors immigrate to the United States? When and how did they arrive?  DAR Library has a large collection of immigration and naturalization resources to help you trace your family’s journey to America from the 1600s to the 1960s

Archives mega Menu Title

DAR Americana Collection and NSDAR Archives


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Giving to the DAR

What Our Founders Built, We Must Preserve

Library Mega Menu Title

DAR Library

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DAR Museum

Museum Mega Menu Title

DAR Museum

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

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