"Being a DAR member today is really wonderful. Each woman is very unique, very fascinating. They’re my role models. They’ve taught me a lot about life."

Who are DAR members?

They are women a lot like you, who come from diverse backgrounds and have a variety of interests. Their common bond is their lineal descent from patriots of the American Revolution – any woman, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, who can prove this lineage is eligible to join.

They are women who…

  • care about fostering good citizenship
  • want to honor their ancestors
  • are devoted to educating our youth
  • want to preserve our past for future generations

Many enjoy...

  • learning about American history
  • researching genealogy
  • coordinating local community service projects
  • sharing in family DAR traditions
  • participating in commemorative events

Daughters of Distinction

The Four Founders

Decidedly not ladies of leisure, the four founders of the DAR were anything but traditional. Two were single and two were widowed, and all four were working women who supported either children or extended family.

Daughters of Distinction

Alice Stokes Paul

From its outset and beginning with its founders, the Society's ranks have included uncommon women who achieved uncommon goals. They include First Ladies and firsts in their field, actresses and adventurers, artists and authors, reformers and humanitarians, educators and engineers, doctors and nurses, and even pioneers in space. While their accomplishments are as diverse as their professions, all of them have been brave women who often performed heroic acts and shared a sense of purpose and pride, and an undaunted pursuit of their ideals.

Today's Daughters

This regular feature in the bimonthly DAR magazine, American Spirit, offers a glimpse into the lives and passions of the diverse group of women who comprise today’s DAR membership.

Learn More


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DAR Americana Collection and NSDAR Archives


Member Resources

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Giving to the DAR

What Our Founders Built, We Must Preserve

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DAR Library

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Member Resources

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DAR Museum

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DAR Museum

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

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Upcoming Events

  • American Holiday Festival
    - 8:00 PM
  • American Holiday Festival
    - 8:00 PM
  • American Holiday Festival
    - 3:00 PM
  • Making Holiday Magic: Iconic Christmas Fashions
  • Tuesday Talk— Pins, Ribbons, and Emulsion, Oh My! Taking a look at the history of photography through the lens of DAR’s historic photographs

Learn how DAR members selflessly and tirelessly dedicated themselves to the war relief effort of World War I

Find special initiative opportunities for every interest and every budget!